Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Oddity of Our Time

What syndrome do these attributes indicate: kowtowing, genteel fed by self-centered avarice; growling internally (the possibility for trampling to nullity) but fawning externally like a cat (for those outsiders); being at the nadir stage of a commoner but skilled in making glib adorned with grandiloquent greatness (in the name of faith); no criticisms in the name of free speech that spares only 'praises at the best' and 'circumlocutions at the worst'; finding nuance to interpret superstition at such comic degree by lip serving the greatness of the ultimate reality--the emptiness (negation of independence) nothing other than interdependently connected (no place for irrelevant miracles here); for harder meaning 'placed in mere name so namely existent' nothing other than 'the interdependence of the name, for its coming into existence that's namely, with relation to its to be named' (no place for a commoner's instinct of taking this and that name as inherently or independently within what to be named) but 'the name' in its mere form exists with relation to its to be named there, the subtle thread of causation; the hardest is said as knowing the possibility of every related activity (by the relation between the name and what to be named) even in mere name (for example even if Pema, someone's name, is in mere name, the possibility is there to be able to say that Pema eats, sleeps, laughs, etc. but not by an independently existed Pema)?    

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