Sunday, August 4, 2019

Hong Kong Protest: The Ongoing Revolution in Action

I wonder what could be the rudder behind the Hong Kong's colossal picketing against the presented reason as 'extradition bill', namely against The Party in Beijing, such prodigious union with such grand common interest, and that on their own soil, despite enjoying the so called 'one nation, two systems'. How they could be charged with even more adrenaline for the same cause, if they were in an exiled situation like us, Tibetans. But we are sort of embroiled head-to-toes in the same trifling imbroglio related with regions or sects, despite being in such heart-rending exiled situation, in such chore of a treadmill, if sort of ended up somewhere in the West, in such trammel of time and stress, especially even with some feeling knowledge of how many of our dear compatriots have taken to this self-eliminating protest known as 'self-immolation'.

But, no, standing before a seeming cul-de-sac matters much more than learning about it from a distant, safe part where it's all about 'capitals' and 'self-interests' interpreted as 'life'. In the other words, experiencing is in stark contrast with just knowledge. 

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