Monday, July 15, 2019

Food for Thought

Every invaluable greatness to sublime realisation to complete liberation is free, like a great vista from a vantage point, like a magpie ambling along a length of a paved path in a waddling gait, while cackling and croaking, like so many mundane beauties of this earth, but we get ourselves tethered to this shabbiness, especially to the root of every suffering, namely this narcissism, to this amorphous, dreamlike self-importance. It's so true it's all about not having a gist of knowledge about what a healing potion 'other instead of self' has in store. We happen to experience it in our little escaped acts, but we can't get it , or see it so. Yes, here in the West, or elsewhere in the world, every problem stems from it, only it. In the other word, it's hinted as 'respect', but it's just a part of it, like 'relativity' is just a part of 'interdependence'.

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