Friday, February 3, 2017

A Personal Eulogy

By holding every staunch, learned one to caring individual for Tibet and Tibetans close to my heart, for the exigent case not so much politicised as for not being that lucrative, for the stark opposite realities behind the looming drapery of nervous yet sweet-lipped propaganda of creating 'a heavenly Tibet', the sober worlds still mesmerised so so far, I do wholeheartedly pay my deep condolence for the demise of Prof. Elliot Sperling, and so my sincere prayers. His paternal like love especially for Tibetan youths like saying not to be afraid of fighting for justice and personal liberty has been just brought to my attention. Sorry for my not knowing him through his great works on Tibetology but always hearing about him. Not to be afraid of what? I answer as of the looming grandiosity of structures and arms and wealth, petty human ventures just a click away from a natural disaster. Coming across the same remark poked at my strange sensitivity letting me shed much over him who I have never met in my life. And it calls up what I have learned about Aunty Asha's (of Madras) doings for Tibetan students there. Though I have never had such opportunity of schooling and the convivial vibrancy of activities and interactions and learning related with its romance, I do appreciate those who have such. Once learned some about her through a TSAM's magazine many years back, I have found her really as 'a lady with gold lamp', the sobriquet I skimmed over in the same mag, for her benign bearing so sober like expecting nothing but doing for those daring young Tibetans, my brothers and sisters. Treasuring such and such personality the world over as we can't take such for granted ever, I shed even more for the late great Tibetologist of our time. :(

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