Friday, March 29, 2013

What It Is: My New Faith

From the fading ripple of a merry laughter to the erased memory of a contorted expression revealing the inner jumble, then why not countless middle-realm states, a soul bearing reactions to the complex vibes that of physical and mental world around can be traced back only in a dreamy way like how the passing moment and vibe roll back in such way. An artistic revelation or gained magic in the process of constructing his art, an aesthete’s sincere admiration of the beauty in any layers depth, a master-spirit’s dedication, a genius’ discovery, etc. remain no asunder despite the taken thought-burdens. A revolution to evolution; a peek to a close long look; a glimpse to a tedious view; a glance to a stare; a retort to a harangue; a pat to a caress; a moment of sensual feeling to a lasting curiosity… Count on! How true a sensual pleasurable feeling is just a moment interregnum between the fall of a pain in greater quantity and the rise of a pain in lesser quantity like how one burdened with a huge load on the back senses a moment joy when taking rest under the shade of a tree after walking long in the beating sun, but resting long itself is pain when the fatigue is long gone—harnessing oneself to the load, getting up with the support of one’s hand and taking steps ahead, one senses the moment feeling of ease from the source of the former pain. Empty itself is pain but filling can’t be joy at all when it exceeds.

Other than what taught in Tibetan Buddhism about the illusory nature of existing in name only (the naming that exists in name only as by being there what to be named, in entire search of which the naming can’t be found as an absolute entity but stops there just as the name), the magical affect it gives, the dreamy world that can be perceived even by a commoner is more shocking. But we’re the one who are endowed with the intuition of condoning, forgiving, overlooking and forgetting…  So we repeat…

And to dream on to eternity by being immature ever or to stop dreaming by subduing to a numbed one or to wish for becoming permanently erased from such existence. Have I reached the climax?

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