Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hayange: a random one from a web source (but it looks the same now)

Giving my ears to their sayings over a good dinner, as I was invited for being a new here and thanks for their kindness after all, and giving nods and showing proper facial expressions as not to appear as rather facetious to their self-adventures, I couldn't stop summing up the whole conversation and vibe and interpreting them  as what they were--is life really that petty? But their whole complex beings must be still latent like in a limbo. In such a far off alien land, some one and half an hour distant from Paris, we happened to carry on such a predestined sort of native gathering amid sham of not feeling where we stood and farce of how we cracked a joke with a few picked up French words like d'accord, voila, merci beaucoup, tres bien, etc.

A faltering will cries alone but still struggles on... Yes, we are who repeat only. And I want to ask does ego save one from being brazen that seems to count what to gain temporary advantages as talked about? Or does the whole countenance of decency have a lurking foul backdrop?

But I got this point everyone feigns like how a penguin recomposes and stalks with a proud gait after a stumble. To put it frankly the noble task of introspecting seems to exist in verbal flare only.

Lo, the savior flees!
For monstrous we break into such spree.

Hark, the loving word isn’t unconditionally blunt;
It can turn into a slashing blade in any time grunt.

An easy-going façade,
A jumble of inner arcade. 

Hold us even for being alien ici,
For we’re lost in sorting out what we’re generic. 

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