Sunday, June 28, 2020

A cursory sketch of someone's personality, idiosyncrasy

Being with him for a few hours speckled over the recent past days, I happened to come to an understanding, a sort of intimation with some of mine, namely a sort of vicarious experience of seeing through his eye, or of holding on to his being—seemingly like with some high idea about himself. And it was on one recent day.

Of stout, squarish medium build and sallow complexion, he wheezed out a disturbed breath. The bulk of his paunch bobbed up and down once. He tended to incline back supported by his stretched hands on the soft lawn, but the atrophied muscles of his arms didn’t let him remain there relaxed thus for long, with his paunch bit flattened. 

“Well, I will go there to meet my aunt in Tokyo, on my own expenses. But I won’t stay at her. I will stay in a hotel, and go to her, if she invites me to dine. I will join, if she takes me around. But I don’t want someone breathing at my heels about his or her favor incurred for me. I am not of such a type who can take such thing,” said he while casting nervous, envious glances at a lit gas balloon soaring high up in the night sky still dimly lit by the set sun, as it was summer solstice here in France, at a faubourg in a corner of Ile-de-France.

We were lounging on a sprawling inclined lawn rimmed with the silhouettes of towering trees minutely outlined against the sky with looming gold-tawny clouds. The lit gas balloon passed through a mass of cloud and lost for a few seconds before falling down as a dark burr like a black felt hat, with its fire extinguished. I was randomly thinking about what I had left reading, not about such silhouettes of trees but of steeples and spires of ancient churches; my haunting to it was related with the writer’s fear, of his not being able to versify and write fiction with poignant, unique way of seeing like Bolch, of his finding himself like before a cul-de-sac when he tried to cull up his intuition to be able to deal with an ‘abstract truth’, and so on. Though, frankly, I hadn’t such an intimation of myself, I liked learning more about such, like of a lost one in Sahara desert, and his means of survival to prove himself the opposite, a real doer. Maybe it could be of my own status as a political refugee in a foreign land, whatever. Yes, we were lounging there, with two young French women in mini-shorts lounging just across demarcated by a trampled strip. As the darkness deepened, I saw one of them lying on her back and the other sitting upright and smoking; the former’s way of lying by adjusting her feet one on the other and vice-versa drew me into another realm like the floating lit gas balloons in the expanse of the space. But there was this barrier of personal idea not that easy to be dismantled, not that easy ‘to take life easily’ with it. Yes, he was still talking beside me.

Though not of an ordained background, he was still single despite being forty-plus. I, however single, was not like him, namely not having had that much intimation with the earthly run of life-making. But I could feel some of his remaining single in me. No, no, not a perfectionist he was, I was unreasonably sure. Then what, if not of this same personal idea about oneself, such a phenomenon that could be found remaining absolutely independent of one’s conscience in general or at a particular time, or of one’s compunction and humane intuition. Trying to see through his eyes, despite being indigent if compared to him, I found something like being a doer in home-making sense but not making a home of himself. And so strangely to me, he, though, wanted a family of his own. I was pretty sure he had some knowledge of what I presumably thought of having traced in him, which could be a sort of epiphenomenon to his idea about himself that mattered the most to him. And could that giant one be limited somehow? Like voluntarily or involuntarily laying himself at the disposal of someone else’s caprice could be possible, but I didn’t wonder so at the time. I found instead, as the priority imposed on himself, like persuading myself to stick on to adding up a lump of designated value on another as the safe buttress of my own idea about myself to lean against, with taking the tender thing or union as sure to come up along my way ahead like the next morning. And I was almost sure he wasn’t the one who could do without such a safe buttress; he was more terrestrially charged. Then how possible about renouncing everything to pursue his own idea about himself, and that without a sound philosophical ground. 

And the clock ticks on, when I involuntarily go back to him asking myself why he lags behind despite being a doer. I find myself being meddlesome to the point of taking myself as inexistent. Why not, as seeing does matter, bumping into whom does matter in teaching you such thing of drawing you into his or her own way of seeing, for everyone isn’t gifted with such a personality that draws you in… Then why not a huge unrecognized gift, if you’re in search of such an encounter to feed your doing of such tedium and labor and value.

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