Thursday, August 30, 2018

So I Shed Off

A spasm of fear happened to seize me when just looking across a wide floor, my fellow mates working on the other side, amid random human cries sort of self-inspiring or navigating oneself away from brooding over something. Racking my head now casually, now tad seriously by tethering my illumined wind-like being to myself, I happened draw a conclusion that this diffidence, this fear isn't so much about 'what about me, my life' as it's about an unskilled task to be performed. Once got immersed into it and knowing it, it's gone temporarily, that dooming summon bred by such lack of rational maturity, learning curiosity (partly palled by the drudgery begot fatigue that sometimes turns like into a glimpse of neurasthenia, a fleeting intimation) and being able to view it from different angles. And yes, really, such fear is really enlightening, like my learning that everything has its literacy, even for wearing an arched smirk, even for a drudge. Don't overestimate that you can walk safely.

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