Friday, May 3, 2013

Learn to love where you are


The clock is ticking only as I care now for a purpose in hand—how strange I find for such, the will-motivated quest and the imposed deadline that matters. Yes, how true it’s why we can do it like getting up early in the morning.

A Gift

Even through the shower of such falls along the narrow foot path just above the tracks, like reserved for us heavy-hearted but light walkers, only one with me up to my place. The single small white petal oval-shaped there on the floor by the foot of the table. Spotting it, picking it up with fabricated feelings, finding a tiny speck or stain on its heart, I find myself rebounding along an imagination lane free from what I try to express here. So fragile it’s and with a stain on its heart. With a heavy heart I carefully tuck it between the crisp pages of my Oxford French Mini Dictionary, the best place for it to remain, dry with the stain and to be there for finding so when I happen to open the initial pages of R part later on.

The Barrier

“I know about Tibet. It’s big and mountainous. Yes, by force. No real democracy but talks and talks…..,” the inmate from a small part of Africa says so. Seated by me in the lounge room with an LCD TV on the wall and those chairs fixed with sticky tapes he seems to be in his late twenties in old jeans, a grey jacket with the attached hat and dark rubber slippers. His shaved head, contorting eyes as he talks, world knowledge, political view, his present struggle through broken French and inquisitive way of asking for something land, at last, on what he holds: Harmony as there is only one God no matter what and how you call, the practical positivity in both thought and action as he commemorates today, the day Jesus was crucified, by fasting the whole day. But the barrier, as he sees, for both religious and political harmonies will prevail as long as we crave for novelty, tangent, individualism, identity-promotion. The beauty is another matter. The salvation is to wait till the spontaneous inner-call only.

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